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Publication Spotlight: Work Package 5

The latest CanGene-Canvar publication comes from Work Package 5: "Evaluation of two Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) in genomic variant interpretation for the NHS workforce" by Beth Coad, Katherine Joekes, Alicja Rudnicka, Amy Frost, Mark Robert Openshaw, Katrina Tatton-Brown and Katie Snape.


As there has been an increased number of patients accessing genomic testing, highly trained healthcare professionals (HCPs) are needed to interpret the results of the testing. Within this study, two Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) were designed for healthcare professionals (HCPs) involved in germline genomic testing pathways. These were Fundamental Principles (FP) and Inherited Cancer Susceptibility (ICS). Pre- and post-course surveys and in-course quizzes were used to assess learner satisfaction, confidence and knowledge gained in variant interpretation.

The evaluation showed that after completing one, or both MOOCs, self-reported confidence in genomic variant interpretation significantly increased, and most respondents would correctly classify the variants. This meant that appropriate clinical management would be instigated. The MOOCs provided foundational knowledge and improved learner confidence, which could also be adapted to benefit other clinicians working outside of genetics.

Read the full paper here.


Written by Ruth McCarthy, Research Administrator at The Institute of Cancer Research.


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